About opinionfree.news
"Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that, unless we love the truth, we cannot know it."-Blaise Pascal
Good information is a prerequisite to good decision-making. However, it has become increasingly challenging to see through the clutter. Our mission is to make it easier for people to find good information about the impactful things happening around us.
We are not a fact-checking site. You should not trust us or anyone else to decide for you what is true and what is not. Rather than labeling information as true or false, we use these categories:
Our goal is to provide an easy way for people who are not news junkies to find important details about current events and news narratives. This requires us to do our best to summarize salient details from news sources in a way that is as neutral and unbiased as we can manage. We want to give you information, not tell you what you should think about it.
We show our work. We provide links to the sources of all the information we present. We strongly encourage you to dig in and research important subjects yourself.
This is a curated news site. We do not aim to replace larger aggregators. Instead, our goal is to identify significant news items that we believe are important. That is an insescapably subjective process. Our goal is to present important information regardless of our personal feelings about it or whether or not we believe it helps or hurts groups we prefer. If we have missed a story you believe is important, feel free to submit it for review.